Data Rate |
Thickness of Gold-finger |
Plug in and out |
Attenuation Option |
Operating Temperature(TA) |
+3.3V Supply Voltage(VCC) |
Input/ Output Load Resistance(RL) |
Power Option |
10 Gbps |
15 μ |
500 Times |
0~5.0dB |
0~70°C |
3.15~3.45 V |
100±10 Ω |
0~2.5W |
25 Gbps |
15 μ |
500 Times |
0~5.0dB |
0~70°C |
3.15~3.45 V |
100±10 Ω |
0~2.5W |
40 Gbps |
15 μ |
500 Times |
0~5.0dB |
0~70°C |
3.15~3.45 V |
100±10 Ω |
0~3.5W |
100 Gbps |
15 μ |
500 Times |
0~5.0dB |
0~70°C |
3.15~3.45 V |
100±10 Ω |
0~3.5W |

Customizable power consumptionCustom memory maps available
Supports Gigabit Ethernet, 1.25G, 2.125G FC SFP transceiver, 4.25G FC, 8.5G FC and 10Gb/s Ethernet/FC total data rate
Supports 25Gbps total data rate
Supports 40Gb/s total data rate
Supports 100Gbps total data rate
Host-pluggable MSA footprint
Full SFF-8665 MSA compliant
Temperature range from 0℃ to 80℃
Compliant with SONET, SDH, GBE, Fibre Channel
MSA Compliant EEPROM
QSFP port/system testingEthernet IEEE 802.3
SDR, DDR and QDRInfiniband Transmission
SONET, SDH, GBE, Fibre Channel