


Better Connections, Technology, Results

 「翔生科技」致力提供光纖到家FTTH (Fiber To The Home)完整解決方案及光纖城域網設備,產品包含乙太網光纖網管交換器(Switch),全系列光纖轉換器(Converter)及模組(Optical Transceiver),及可安裝標準機櫃的光纖轉換器管理機架。可提供從155M到10G 進而40G ,100G, 甚而400G的速率的光纖通訊設備,光纖訊號傳輸距離並已從500公尺~200公里都有產品可以達成。 「翔生科技」自豪於產品創新、全方位的產品及具競爭力的價格,符合今日客戶的多樣化需求,提升通路服務品質,提供全系列網路產品即時/現貨/完整保固的市場保證。 藉由研發團隊多年的專業開發經驗以確保每項產品皆能通過各項國際認證標準。 現在,每一位「翔生科技」的員工皆已準備好提供客戶最佳的服務,並以最佳顧客滿意度為使命,希冀在未來能與您共創商機。


About JSTT

Jumbo-Sun Technology Co., Ltd., founded in 2002, is a professional Taiwanese manufacturer of optical transceivers providing comprehensive and cost-effective product portfolios from 155M to 40G and up to 400G data rate, including CWDM/DWDM Solutions, GBIC and Copper SFP , BiDi SFP, 10G SFP+, 40G QSFP+, 25G SFP28, 100G QSFP28, 200G QSFP56 DD, 400G QSFP DD Transponders, but also acts as agent for POE switches, as well as Managed and Unmanaged Switches and Converters. Jumbo-Sun has a rich history of supplying integrated active optical components to the fiber optic market and Ethernet connectivity. Solutions in the optical transceiver product line span a complete set of data rates, power levels, and wavelengths to address all of our consumer's needs. From its conception, Jumbo-Sun has continued to work with strong technical support teams, dedication in meeting consumer demands, and providing top-of-the-line service to our clientele base. Following our slogan, "Better Connections, Technology, Results", Jumbo-Sun is well prepared and well positioned to respond quickly to fluctuating market demands; while offering continual improvement and immediate response; and exceeding consumer expectations. We are interested in forging close personal relationships with our clients; for us, this is more than just a business, it is a long-term partnership. It is this unique approach, mind-set and way of doing business that is catapulting Jumbo-Sun into an eminent figure in the fiber optics industry. With strong foundations in our technical capabilities, our reliability, our focus and dedication in finding top quality products and prices, these distinguishing factors are a part of Jumbo-Sun's success and growing consumer loyalty. At Jumbo-Sun, we deliver a remarkable product mix and technological capability that allows our clientele base to differentiate them from the competition. "Better Connections, Technology, Results" is simply not just a motto; we are your solution.